Earn ₿itcoin for Playing
Celebrating the release of readySketch v2 on iOS and Android we will be sending Satoshi’s (fractional Bitcoin) using the Lightning Network to anyone who downloads, and plays readySketch!
Create art using readySketch, use #readysketch and tag @readysketch on social media, and we will send you sats! Each readySketch you create and share on social media will earn you sats. Make as much art as you want and keep earning sats! Submit the form on this page with your Strike.me username and your social media handles to get your sats, it’s that easy.
In an effort to promote future financial independence and to inspire creative thinking I will be sending SATs on the Lightning Network with zero fees thanks to Strike.me
All users who share their creations with the community will earn Bitcoin for participating and being creative!
Sign up now to receive earnings for Proof-of-Social-Work!
Sign Up Today!
1. Download & Create a Strike.me account
2. Send us a message with your Strike username and social media handles
3. Receive Bitcoin for tagging and playing readySketchGet Started With Strike Bitcoin Wallet
Go from download to payments in seconds. Strike only requires your name and phone number to sign up and get started. Sending and receiving Bitcoin has never been easier!

Sign Up Today!
1. Download & Create a Strike.me account
2. Send us a message with your Strike username and social media handles
3. Receive Bitcoin for tagging and playing readySketch
Get Started With Strike Bitcoin Wallet
Go from download to payments in seconds. Strike only requires your name and phone number to sign up and get started. Sending and receiving Bitcoin has never been easier!